Zenith / Pessoa
Pessoa, an Experimental Life is the result of 12 years spent trying to prove that Fernando Pessoa, Portugal’s most famous poet, had a life beyond his extensive oeuvre. Considered by many to be the finest and most comprehensive biography on the subject, Richard Zenith, a leading authority on all things Pessoan, reveals how the genius came to be, while highlighting the autobiographical aspects of his heteronymic experiment.
Weed Wonder - Recoletora
Where others see weeds, Alexandre Delmar and Maria Ruivo see edible and curative plants. And so Recoletora was born, a pilot-project that has produced a catalogue of wild plants that grow on wasteland. Alexandre Delmar’s a photographer and videographer, Maria Ruivo’s a graphic designer and creative director.
Uniting Colours — Alexandra de Cadaval
India and Africa may have defined Alexandra de Cadaval's career, but it’s Évora where she showcases the world’s arts and music. A love letter to diversity.
Viúva Lamego
Although the title sounds like a contradiction in terms, for Viúva Lamego it makes perfect sense. At this century-old ceramics factory, there’s always time to talk to artists and achieve what’s best for their projects. Part factory, part studio, the secret of keeping young is a meticulous path of innovation.
Mappa Mundi
One of the great advocates of the Portuguese Overseas Expansion, the second Viscount of Santarém was a pioneer in the study of ancient maps. This atlas is one of the most remarkable compilations of these instruments of navigation and wonder.
Gharb al–Andalus
Five hundred years of Arab occupation left Portugal with a culinary legacy rich with coriander and citrus fruit, figs and almonds, stews and escabeches. To think that it’s been 13 centuries since Mediterranean cuisine first passed this way.
Material World
«I prefer to be connected to our roots, so not to lose the idea of what is ours». In 2015, Chef João Rodrigues felt he needed to better define the identity of the portuguese produce he used in his dishes.
Africa — The Revelation
THIS IS NOT A WHITE CUBE still has the lingering scent of wet paint. Located on Rua da Emenda, in Lisbon’s Chiado neighbourhood, this contemporary art gallery first opened its doors (and windows) in May this year, where visitors could see “In Memory We Trust”, a solo exhibition by the São Tomé and Príncipe artist, René Tavares.
Pedro Cabrita Reis — "Everything is a reason for exaltation and celebration"
Pedro Cabrita Reis asks to be called simply Cabrita, a name that derives from the purification process applied to his work. Watch the interview here.